Sunday, January 31, 2010

Discovery World and MIAD Collaboration

On Friday the Milwaukee science museum named "Discovery World" invited MIAD students to come and decorate a blank wall in their building. Discovery World and MIAD have a partnership, which includes free admission for all MIAD students into the museum.

Personally, I love the place. Whenever I am stressed out I visit their aquariums. Their exhibits are interesting and top notch.

In a section of the building dedicated to the study of electricity, Discovery World has an electric eel on display in a tank. I decided my contribution to the wall would be a painting of this eel, since I think he's pretty dang cool:Please note that he is not completely finished in this photo, and that the area around him had not been painted yet.

I didn't get as many photos of the event as I would have liked to, but here is a general overview of the work in progress:
I think its wonderful that Discovery World would present an opportunity like this to us, and I hope that they continue to do so in the future!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Jerseysaurus," A Jersey Shore Parody for Class

To start off, here's something I did last week for my Illustration II class:

Our assignment was to make a black and white editorial illustration to accompany a newspaper article. The article we were assigned was about MTV's reality show, "Jersey Shore." The article compared the show's appeal as being similar to scientists spying on strange and primitive creatures, which is what I based my illustration on.

Part of our homework was watching the show as "research." Having never seen it before, it was quite the painful experience.

I drew this using my Wacom tablet in photoshop.

Starting a sketch blog

Seems weird to start posting without an introduction, so here is some generic information on what this blog will be used for..

Hello, everyone. My name is Amethyst Barron, hence the cheesy screen name. It's a weird name, I know. Blame my parents. They are weird too.

My hometown is Dubuque, Iowa, but I am currently attending the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD). I am majoring in Illustration and minoring in Animation. As of right now I am a Sophomore.

I created this blog as incentive to practice art on a more regular basis, and to track my (hopeful!) progress throughout my education. I am well aware that I certainly have a lot I still need to learn.

That's enough about me.

I sincerely thank anyone who takes the time to view my posts, and I welcome any advice you may have!