Sunday, January 31, 2010

Discovery World and MIAD Collaboration

On Friday the Milwaukee science museum named "Discovery World" invited MIAD students to come and decorate a blank wall in their building. Discovery World and MIAD have a partnership, which includes free admission for all MIAD students into the museum.

Personally, I love the place. Whenever I am stressed out I visit their aquariums. Their exhibits are interesting and top notch.

In a section of the building dedicated to the study of electricity, Discovery World has an electric eel on display in a tank. I decided my contribution to the wall would be a painting of this eel, since I think he's pretty dang cool:Please note that he is not completely finished in this photo, and that the area around him had not been painted yet.

I didn't get as many photos of the event as I would have liked to, but here is a general overview of the work in progress:
I think its wonderful that Discovery World would present an opportunity like this to us, and I hope that they continue to do so in the future!

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