MIAD's annual masquerade ball is tomorrow night... and I find myself without the most important aspect of my costume - a mask!
Due to time and monetary constraints, I'm going to attempt to construct one out of whatever I happen to have in my dorm.
Which seems to be mostly paper plates, masking tape, an old spent glowstick mask, some feathers, and my glue gun.
Let this serve as the "before" picture:

I will update this post with WIP pics, as well as post the final mask when it's done.
That's assuming I can turn a pile of crap into a mask without any real planning. Well, it's worth a shot.
WIP 1:

I have a general idea now of what I'm doing, although I'm not quite sure of how well I'll be able to pull it off. The paper plates are a great resource.
WIP 3:

Masking tape + paper plates = strange jaguar mask?