Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Majora's Mask Pumpkin

Now it's time for the second pumpkin I carved this year...

I attempted to carve a pumpkin based on the moon from the old n64 game, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. That game has always reminded me of Halloween, and the moon from it is quite possibly the most terrifying thing to ever be in an E rated game. Seemed appropriate as a pumpkin design.

I've always gone at pumpkins the traditional way; carving out spots for light to shine through, etc. After seeing some of the amazing things people have done with pumpkins, I wanted to try my hand at actual "carving." So, here's my first shot at it, done with a clay carving tool I found in my supplies. I'm already excited to try it again next year.

Here he is lit up. I didn't have any candles, so I improvised with a red glowstick and a mini-flashlight. Sorry for the photo quality, my camera isn't exactly top of the line.

Playing around with the angle:

The lighting:

Then both:

Finally, since my blacklight was right there, I tried seeing what it would look like with a UV light source:

Well, that's it for Halloween 2010.

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